A Mother’s Prayer for Her Children

Are we applying this power to the little ones we love and hold dear? Have you ever prayed words of Scripture over your children? This mother does. ◊

A couple of years into her marriage, my daughter shared with me a series of Bible verses that she faithfully compiled together into a prayer for her husband. I was so struck by it that I asked her permission to highlight it in a Biblical Viewpoint post.1 No doubt every man and household would be blessed to have such powerful words of Scripture prayed over him by his own wife.

She then felt compelled to go through the same process for her young children. She shared this new compilation of common Bible verses in a prayer for her own children. I’ve received permission to share it here. I do so as an encouragement to all of us who acknowledge a belief in the power of prayer.

Are we applying this power to the ones we hold dearest, our own children? This applies to our young and to even adult children. It can be a prayer for our grandchildren. Read this, pray this, and consider the impact of calling upon the love and power of God to be directed on your own precious children.

It just might change how you pray going forward.

A Mother’s Prayer for Her Children 2

Jesus, above all else I ask that you would call my children to yourself and that nothing would hinder them from coming to you (Matthew 19:14). May they confess with their mouths you as Lord, Jesus, and believe in their hearts that God raised you from the dead (Romans 10:9). Let your Word richly dwell within them, Father (Colossians 3:16), and even as they grow in knowledge and understanding I pray that they will never lose their childlike faith (Luke. 18:17).

Lord, let our children know and embrace the magnitude of your love (Ephesian 3:18) and the freedom of your grace (Romans 6:14), learning daily to walk and be empowered by the Spirit and not to carry out the desires of their flesh (Ephesian 3:16; Gal. 5:16). Teach them to actively submit to you, to be quick to confess and forsake their sin, and to resist the devil so he will flee from them (Proverbs 28:13; James 4:7). As they turn from evil, let them cling to you, love you, and hunger and thirst for righteousness (Joshua 23:8,11; Matt. 5:6), and in so doing may they obey you (1 John 1:3) and bear fruit so that your joy may be in them, Jesus (John 15:10-11).

Help them also to honor us, their parents, by obeying us in your name (Ephesians 6:1-2). Today and always, I pray our children will be kind, tender-hearted and forgiving toward one another and others (Ephesian 4:32), and may they regard each other and all others as more important than themselves (Philippians 2:3). Surround our children with wise, God-fearing peers and mentors who will help us teach and demonstrate for them how to seek wisdom, listen to counsel and walk in integrity (Proverbs 8:17, 12:15, 10:9). Keep their minds pure, desiring and dwelling on all things good and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8) and overflowing with gratitude (Colossians 2:7).

Finally, incline our children’s hearts, Lord God, to pray in all things (Ephesians 6:18; Phil. 4:6; 1 Thessalonians. 5:17; Jam. 5:13-16). Grant us the greatest joy, Father, by allowing us to see our children walking in the Truth (3 John 1:4). We give you all praise and glory, Lord, for all the work you have done and will do in our children’s hearts and lives. Amen.

Blessed Assurance
After praying this prayer one can’t help but feel assured and encouraged that the children, the family, are covered – like a spiritual blanket of blessing, guidance, and protection. There is power and wonder in the petition and ushering of God’s loving grace and hand upon one’s own children in humble submission and dedication. And as the Good Father, he will respond as promised, even unto generations.

And therein lies a parent’s legacy.

In that Truth we can rest, trust, and be in profound peace.

Parents, are you praying for your children like this?
But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children. – Psalm 103:17

1 A Wife’s Prayer for Her Husband, by Michael Griego, Biblical Viewpoint, https://biblicalviewpoint.com/2013/10/19/a-wifes-prayer-for-her-husband/, October 19, 2013.
2 By Lisa Goodin, 2015.

Categories: Abundant Living, Calling, Devotion, Discipleship, Evil, Faith, Family, Fathering, Forgiveness, Jesus, Marriage, Parenting, Prayer, Purpose

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6 replies

  1. Reblogged this on Christian Mommas and commented:
    Mommas, please take a moment and pray this prayer over your children. Very powerful! This is what praying the scriptures looks like. Many thanks to Mr. Michael Griego for sharing this prayer with us. I will keep praying this. Also checkout A Wife’s Prayer for Her Husband. What a blessing! 🙏


  2. Thank you…its a wonderful guide to help consolidate our thoughts and desires as we pray for our children

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is an answer to my prayer! May the Lord God richly bless you!

    thank you!


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